Opium Cultivation License

Total Registration

Total Profile Registration

Nos. of Opium Gum License

Nos. of CPS license

Plough Back App. – Opium Gum

Plough Back App. – CPS

Total Licensed Area in Hector

Total Net productive Area in Hector

Total Opium Yield in Kg
Total Amount disbursed in INR
Import / Export License

Total Registration

Total Profile Registration

Import License for PS

Import License for CS

Import License for ND

Export Authorization for PS

Export Authorization for CS

Export Authorization for ND

Manufacturing License

Annual E-Return received

Quota Allocation Applications

Foreign Traveller Applications
1. User Registration
- First time Signup
- PAN based Login
2. Lambardar Appointment
- Lambardar Selection
- Issue Joint License
3. KYC/Profile Submission
- Submit Profile
- Biometric Verification
4. Profile Approval
- Verification
- Approve/Reject/Query
5. Grant of License
- Application through Notified Forms
- Sub Inspector Cultivator Performance Data
- License (Approve/Reject/Query)
6. Preliminary Weighment Register
- Manage day wise collection of Opium
- Conduct Wgt. of Opium collected against
- physical stock
- If Discrepancy, Enforcement process
7. Plough Back Application
- Application for uprooting of crop
8. Measurement and Test Measurement
- Field measure Re-Measure
- Test Measurement
9. Weighment & Procurement
- Collection of Opium by CBN
- Opium Classification by testing
- 90% Payment based on 70 degree consistence
10. Opium Dispatch and Final Opium Price
- Sent to factories for final grade
- Final prices and Payment
Resource Statistics
Upload images of illicit opium cultivation on Central Economic Intelligence Bureau (CEIB) Whatsapp No : 9868505002
Seizure of 1000 Kg Poppy Straw by CBN Officers
Circular announcing launch of revamped website cbn.nic.in
Public Notice dated 14-10-2022: Application for allocation of additional quota of Medicinal Opium for the year 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE: Application for allocation of additional quota of Codeine Phosphate for the year 2022
Application for License for Ineligible Cultivators
Opium Licencing Policy - 2022-23 (For cultivation of opium poppy for obtaining opium gum through lancing)
Opium Licencing Policy - 2022-23 (For cultivation of opium poppy for production of Poppy Straw from unlanced opium poppy)
Eligible & Ineligible Cultivators
Quotation Call Notice No. 5514 for AMC of Xerox Machines (Konica Minolta BIZHUB)